“Still Kicking” is a documentary film made by Greg Young, inspired by the women of Amy Gorman’s “Aging Artfully” and the songs I wrote for them. His first video clips were made when he attended our first big concert, where my quartet played several of the songs and most of the women subjects attended. There he filmed some of the concert, spoke with some members of the audience and some of the women I wrote music for. I believe that is when he made the decision to create a documentary featuring women from Amy’s book and using some of my music as material and as background. He eventually included brief conversations with me and Amy in this film, as well as an outtake of “Grace’s Song” beautifully juxtaposed with material from his filming of her.
The film ended up being shown at no less than eleven film festivals. Amy and I were invited to attend the Santa Barbara festival—a unique experience which we both enjoyed immensely! The film became a basis for the many book presentations and talks about aging that Amy was invited to give over the years. I believe it can still be purchased at Greg’s website: www.goldenbearcasting.com